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Stacey Stier

Stacey is Certified to teach the following BYNT Classes:

  • Bikram 60, 90 and Silent
  • Inferno Hot Pilates
  • Iron Yogi
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra

How long have you been practicing Bikram Yoga?
I’ve been practicing Bikram Yoga since the winter of 2000

When/Where did you graduate from Bikram Yoga teacher training?
I graduated teacher training in Los Angeles at Bikram Yoga headquarters in the spring of 2001

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I knew within a week of finding Bikram Yoga that I wanted to become a teacher. I was really tired of working for nothing more than a paycheck. That purpose didn’t fulfill me. I wanted to do something for work that I felt passionately about, inspired me to grow, and made a difference in the world. This yoga is physically demanding, mentally freeing and it makes me want to be better. I wanted to provide a space where people experience all of these benefits and this yoga does just that whether you’re out of shape or a pro athlete: Bikram Yoga is one of a kind.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
For one thing, everyone has to listen to my silly antics because I get to hold the microphone J Really though, I’ve seen grumpy people become kind and happy, depressed people become hopeful, sick people become healthy because of this yoga practice and I love it. A lot of people ask, “What is wrong with people?” In my job I get to look for “what is right with people?” and we start from there. I can no longer imagine doing anything else. I ADORE the students and staff and am incredibly blessed to get to hang out with such amazing people everyday.

What is your favorite quote?
I have two.

“If you’ve lost yourself, you’ve lost everything”

“Every act is an act of self-definition”

Is there anything else?
My dream is that the whole world practices Bikram Yoga. Everyone is welcome here, everyone can heal here, and every one will find value here. Simply put, it works. There is no reason in this world for people to suffer and if every person loved them self enough to love and have compassion for everyone else then suffering could disappear. May sound like a lot from a workout, but come try it … you’ll see.