Another walking miracle… if you have back issues, read the full story below. There IS hope. Jenn had some grim choices – $2500 shots for pain, an experimental surgery that was $30K after insurance, or living with chronic pain and numbness in her lower body. She decided there must be another way.. and gave yoga a try. Her effort brought astounding results.
CLICK HERE to watch a short video about Jenn’s story.
My name is Jennifer Carroll and I wanted to talk about my transformative journey so far with Bikram Yoga North Texas. For context, I am 35 years old and I have had three back surgeries. My last surgery included replacing a herniated disc with a metal replacement in my L4 and L5. As many of you may know, chronic backpain can make even the simplest tasks (putting on shoes, getting in a car, playing duck-duck-goose, etc.) very difficult.
In January of this year, I started to feel numbness down my leg, loss of feeling in my toes, and sharp pains in my lower back. Having had these symptoms before, I knew what was happening. I went to a new back doctor to confirm the problem; bulging discs, a pinched sciatica nerve, and scar tissue build up from previous surgeries. The doctor suggested that I would need shots to alleviate the pain, which would cost $2500 a piece with insurance! They also wanted install an experimental product, similar to a pace maker, that would send signals to the brain telling it I was not in pain. This would have been a $30,000 procedure! Since my money tree hasn’t been bearing any fruit, I decided to start looking for a reasonable alternative. I searched the internet for saunas, massage parlors, or any other method to help relax the muscles in my back.
One day when I was perusing Facebook, I noticed a post that my cousin Sarah made about doing yoga everyday with Bikram Yoga North Texas attached to the post. I started looking into them and saw the $39 unlimited intro, and easily made the decision that $40 is much cheaper than $2500. Why not try it out? As this was my first experience with Yoga, I was not sure what to expect.
Bikram Yoga North Texas welcomed this novice with open arms and gave me a step by step process of what to expect. Not only was this one of the best workouts I have ever had, it had the soothing nature of a sauna to help my back as well. I walked out of the first class with a sense of accomplishment. Both the teachers and the students were sweet and inviting, even if I did have to sit down through most of the class. 48 hours later and I was back in class ready to sweat.
After only a month, I could not only notice the difference in my flexibility and my breathing, but my pain was decreasing and I could enjoy life again! I decided to dive head in, full yogi, and became a full-time member. Four months have now passed and I am doing poses I never dreamed I could, and more importantly, my pain has almost completely dissipated. Recently I visited the back doctor for a check-up. The results were better than I expected. Not only was my pitched sciatic gone, but so were my bulging discs. No lie, I cried my eyes out and my doctor was in shock. All it took was incorporating yoga into my daily routine.
To say that my life has changed because of Bikram Yoga North Texas would be a serious understatement. I listen to my teachers and listen to my body. I cannot thank everyone in this family I have met enough. I have begun to realize that there are many people with a similar story to my own. Bikram Yoga has changed my life and hopefully my story will motive you to try a class!