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Pre-registration required for all classes. Download our BYNT App to book. Available for free through iTunes and Google Play: search “Bikram Yoga North Texas”

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Sound Healing with Sundari Sunday – March 24th

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Sound and music have been used since ancient times for healing and transformation. Our special guest, Sundari, has been studying and facilitating sound therapy for over 20 years. Sundari's passion…

BYNT App Info for pre-registration

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Hi Yogis! Pre-registration will be required for ALL classes. We are accepting walk-ins or drop-ins, however, due to limited capacity, there may be a waitlist.  We HIGHLY recommend you register…

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BYNT Yogi uses yoga to heal bulging discs, avoiding a $30K back surgery. Jenn’s story.

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Another walking miracle... if you have back issues, read the full story below.  There IS hope.  Jenn had some grim choices - $2500 shots for pain, an experimental surgery that…

Today’s Classes



Our Yoga

Vibrant health is your birthright. Our offerings nourish your body, mind and spirit. Classes include:
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Getting Started

Yoga is the perfect path to a lifetime of wellness.  Our series is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.  Don’t worry if you are new to yoga or coming back after a break, we have new students in nearly every class.  Our certified instructors will take great care of you!
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Our Instructors

You will be inspired by our dedicated team of certified instructors.  Each one has a transformation story of what brought them to the yoga, how their life changed, and why they want to share their passion with you. Take a moment to learn more about our team.
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Tanya is Certified to teach Inferno Hot Pilates.

How long have you been practicing Bikram Yoga?
I started practicing Bikram Yoga in April 2014 when I moved here from Connecticut.

Why did you decide to become a Certified Hot Pilates Instructor? 
I have been practicing traditional Pilates for almost 20 years.  After showing my nephew some Bikram postures, the “teaching light bulb” went off in my head and I decided to attend teacher training for Inferno Hot Pilates.  I thought teaching was outside of my “comfort zone” and hey, that is where the magic happens, right?  So I decided to go for it. So happy I did! Thank you Stacey for asking me!

Why do you think it’s important to practice Inferno Hot Pilates along with Bikram Yoga? 
I feel SO much stronger in my Bikram practice now that I am also practicing Inferno Hot Pilates.  My first 90 min class the day after I returned from IHP teacher training I felt amazing and so strong.  Amazing that I felt it that quickly. They are a great compliment to each other.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
Sharing my passion for traditional Pilates, fitness and connecting with the people in my class.  I have fun too!

 What is your favorite quote?

“Do the best you can with the body you woke up with.” – Suzann Johnson


The ancient science and philosophy of Yoga is as relevant today as it was a millennia ago. A powerful tool for personal transformation, and spiritual awakening, Yoga shows us the way to experience the light we are and how to unfold our inner potential.

In this afternoon seminar, Yoga teacher, author, and lecturer, Michael Gadway will share with us what prevents us from experiencing freedom of awareness and how to remove those obstacles permanently so we can live a life without restrictions or limitations.

Please join us in learning to understand the true meaning and purpose of our yoga practice.


“The philosophy of yoga with Michael was life changing and has elevated my practice. My biggest takeaway is that through the practice of yoga, we are discovering our soul by dissolving our ego. Yoga helps us realize that there is no separate sense of existence; and ego is just our perception which is not real. We should focus only on that which is permanent, like the energy source. Energy is intertwined. We are not separate from the source – we are souls that are an extension of the source. Every posture is a sacred place, because it’s an opportunity to move energy through our body. By dissolving our ego, we are purifying the body and mind so the energy can flow through 100% in our practice.” ~A, Bikram Yoga North Texas


Workshop Fee:

Members – $60

Non-Members – $75